

In early 2020, Damien Droin was invited to collaborate with 12 Guinean artists from the Terya Circus association.

A first meeting in Conakry, Guinea, which aims to bring together these acrobats / dancers to get to know each other and discuss a theme that will be at the heart of this new project: the 7th continent.

Beyond divergent cultures, this global issue concerns and brings together all countries.

The seventh continent is a plastic monster in constant expansion, a monster created by unbridled capitalism of the 21st century. A huge vortex in the middle of the Pacific, a forgotten place. All this agglomerated waste, some melted in the sun, reflects a landscape as revolting as it is magnificent.

A kind of dangerous oasis where life has adapted.

Damien Droin wishes to explore and initiate a reflection on this forgotten world far from civilization. He imagines these immigrant or refugee men who, like garbage, are launched into the sea by some smuggler, then forgotten.
Some arrive safely, others perish on the road and a small part ends up at the crossroads of the oceans in the middle of nothingness …

Utopia: What if in the corners of a ruined world, we could invent something new?
Another end of the world is possible.
It is even already started. That’s what these bodies would say.

South Korea

The Saber Era – Franco-Korean co-production project

The Korean company Project Nalda, wishing to integrate a Circassian dimension into its work, contacted the Company Hors Surface. His wish then was to co-realize with Damien Droin the new creation “L’époque du Sabre”.

A first exchange was created in July 2015. Several members of the Project Nalda Company came to France. Damien Droin welcomed them to the Regarde Haut circus school in Cuers. Then, following this first collaboration, Damien also flew to Korea (May 2017). Down there, he led a trampoline workshop and started the creation of the project “L’époque de Saber”.

In order to develop and perpetuate exchanges between Korea and France, the company Hors Surface has approached the National School of Circus Arts in Rosny-sous-Bois. The goal ? organize a rocking course in October 2017 under the tent of ENACR and welcome the members of the Project Nalda Company.

In December 2017, a second creation phase was carried out in Korea. The company Hors Surface took the opportunity to present the project to institutions (French Institute, Embassy …) and the various partners.

Damien Droin avec la compagnie Hors Surface a monté un projet en collaboration avec la compagnie En Light. Scénographie avec des jeux d'ombre et de lumières avec des retroprojection laser sur des mouvements de danse et acrobaties

Company En Light

Hors Surface sets up projects in collaboration with the Cie EnLight mixing circus, vertical dance and Digital Arts.

These numerous projects are being created. Together, they have every intention of showing imagination and offering the public unprecedented shows, full of acrobatic and light prowess.

Today, video-mapping techniques allow us to really give meaning to artistic words. More than a simple aesthetic aspect, the light in movement with the body is an integral part of the show.

Together, they generate a strong emotional bond between the place, the artist and the public, which is embedded in a visual poetry with unique universes.

Digital art at the service of the artist gives meaning and adds a strong emotional dimension.

Photo du spectacle What If, un spectacle d'art de rue créé en collaboration avec Damien Droin et la compagnie Solta en 2017. Trampoline, cerceau aérien, voltige, jonglage Crédit photo Tom Proneur

Street Show

Co-production with the company Solta to create a street show: What if?

This show, designed exclusively for the street, toured Europe in the summer of 2017, notably in Germany, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland.
What if you didn’t need to put on a swimming costume to think you were on holiday?

What if you stopped hoping for change in your life and started taking action?

What if everything was possible?

What If is a dynamic and moving street performance. Using trampoline, juggling, hooping and acrobatics, the circus artists disrupt normal life and turn passers-by upside down, bringing a moment of happiness and inspiration to the street.


In 2014, Damien Droin went for the first time to Rio de Janeiro. He went there to hold a trampoline workshop in the creation space of Brazilian “Troupe Intrepid”. In this context, he met Lavinia Bizzotto.

She is a dancer and has been part of the Quasar Dance Company for 10 years where she has developed a powerful and dynamic dance technique with acrobatic movements, in the limit of imbalance. She joined the team of creators of Troupe Intrepid in 2010 who will give classes, research on the process of creating shows with many acrobats.

Soon, the desire to work together is born. Both seek the limits of imbalance, suspension, recovery and fall, with the goal of changing time and space by transgressing the limits imposed by gravity. It has been made possible with the help of the trampoline which allows the impulse, the height of jumps and the suspension of the body in the air.

Through these different research works, they hope together to bring something new to the Brazilian circus.

🤸‍♀️ Suivez les aventures de la compagnie !

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